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I would like to formally introduce everyone to Eugene Consulting, Inc.

The company was created in October 2022 and has been my distraction for the past few months. As some of you may know, my father passed away in October 2021 and it has been a challenge for our family to move on. 

At first, I tried to compartmentalize the feelings that were associated with his passing but it got to the point where I had to tap out and focus on healing and recalibrating with such a major life event. I had to get on board with the fact that I will never be able to see him in person in this life again.

Up until then, I did not understand the depth of feelings that came with losing someone close to your heart, but it hit like a ton of bricks and caused an uproar in my life.

Eugene Consulting, Inc. was created in memory of my father, who always pushed me to be better. He was my piano teacher, cooking teacher, life coach, and so much more. He taught me to love others and to see the light in them, even when they didn’t see it in themselves. Because of him, I can say I am better than I could have ever been and I am eternally grateful that he was the first example I had for a black man in this world.

I only hope that I can make a percentage of his impact on the lives and businesses of the clients at Eugene Consulting but he lives in my heart forever.

Visit our sister company at to get more information on our mobile notary and virtual consulting services on Florida’s Space Coast. 

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