
        <h1>"To be consistent is to be aligned with the Divine"</h1>        
    Hello my Lovelies. Happy June!


Welcome to the happiest time of your life so far. After this period, you can only continue to get better and grow more, am I right? I hope all is well, and if it is not, just know, it will be soon. It may be challenging, it may feel like a burden to bear, but I promise you, it will get better.


It will get better as long as you remain consistent. Remain consistent in believing it will get better. Remain consistent in knowing that things will improve each and every second, even if you do not see anything in the physical realm.  


If you have forgotten anything that I have said in the past, just remember, and never forget:

To be consistent is to be aligned with the Divine.


How many times have we wavered in believing something will happen and years later, we are still waiting?


How many times have you forgotten a desire or simply tossed it to the side because you just stopped believing and stopped being patient?


We always hear that time is an illusion, but we never hear that the working of the mind is one as well. With the many laws of the universe, we learn that we must think and act a certain way to attract a particular desire. However, when we do not abide by these ‘rules’, we limit the potential that we contain. As we grow physically, many of us cannot grasp the idea of patience.

In a microwave generation, we want what we want RIGHT NOW and it will be no other way.


This is a major restriction to the heights we can reach because visually, we can attract the material possessions we desire, but when it comes to breaking free to reach greater heights, we tend to give up because it did not happen in .05 seconds.

It’s like the Simpsons dome. You can get everything you want that is around you, but when it comes to elevating, you are going to be limited by what society tells you. Until you decide to be consistent with finding a way out or breaking free from this barrier, you will be forever stuck and wishing for a way out. You may even build resentment towards the inability to move forward or quitting before being able to find a way out, but that is another blog for another day.


Florence Scovel Shinn said it best in The Game of Life and How to Play It, “Every great work, every big accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding the vision, and often just before the big achievement, comes apparent failure and discouragement.”


Please meditate on this quote.


The more you think about it, the more you will realize that firstly, you are being lied to. You are LIMITLESS. The barriers are all an illusion. You can surpass any limits you desire, as long as you are willing to wait for the right time and stay focused on your goal. Regardless of what is seen around you, you have the power to change the narrative. You are NOT powerless. You are NOT defined by society’s standards, and you CAN control the way you view everything.


As challenging as it may be in the beginning, all you need to do is rely on your source to guide you. Seek renewal of your thoughts whenever you start to waver and trust that the Divine has your back. Trust that you will be replenished and that you will be guided to the finish line of your desires.


I wish you love.


Remember to pursue your dreams and goals and to not give up.

It may take some time, but by choosing to be consistent, you can raise a nation.


You can give birth to a new life.


The power is within you.


The power IS you.



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