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Hey Love, how are you today? 

I know I haven’t posted in a while, but I’ll spill the tea today and talk about it. This year I have found myself lonelier than ever and trapped in a cycle that has broken me down to the core. I feel like the building in this image. Surrounded by so much, but isolated at the same time. Life has come for my soul and I am literally holding on by a thread as I try to navigate where I am going. Call it what you will and call it what you may, but I consider it to be a complete transformation in the making.

At the time of this blog, we find ourselves at the end of a Mercury Retrograde, and let me just say, this one came for blood. If things have been good for you, I am happy to hear it. However, I know that personally, I have been dragged through the mud with this one.

In the spirit of transparency, this year has kicked my behind in more ways than one and I am surprised to still be here communicating with you about it.

Have you ever had to live life a day at a time? What about a minute or a second at a time?

Another question for ya: You know how they say you fall down and get back up again?

It sounds so good but life this year has been a constant beat down and I find myself asking what I did to deserve this.

Do you ever feel like everything you are doing is NOT working? Like you’re the punchline for some universal or spiritual joke without your permission? That has definitely been me this entire year, and if you can relate, HUNTY, we need a couple of bottles of wine or SOMETHING. On the bright side, at this point, we can only go up from here, right? Of course, I had to say that in the most sarcastic tone ever.

I’m known to be very positive, but this year has challenged everything I know about myself, my beliefs, and where I thought my life was headed. If I was to say that I knew what tomorrow would bring, I’d be lying. Most people say to avoid conversation like this, but if I don’t, who will?

If you find yourself in a similar situation, just know that you’re not alone and hang on. Calvary may or may not be coming, but eventually, you will get through this. I wish I had something to say to completely blow your mind and make things better, but life has those trying moments where all you can do is go through it. In these moments, I’ve learned the importance of allowing self to lean on a support team, talk things out, and take it slow.

No matter where you find yourself right now, just hang on. Tap into the essence of who you are and know that everything will get better… eventually.

I’m sending you a virtual hug like no one’s business if you’re reading this and if you find yourself in similar shoes, start releasing and getting rid of everything you feel is not a part of the reality you are about to step into.

For me, this meant letting go of and donating all the items I was selling on the site and being open to whatever is coming.

Honestly, I feel so much lighter already and I am dedicating myself to healing and being more open to where I am headed but I know this is not the end. So now, it’s down to living life a minute at a time. If you can relate, hold on, we’ll get through this and see each other on the other side!

I want to thank you for being a part of Empress Nation while I send you so much love during this process of learning more about yourself and this experience called life. I don’t know what this means for Empress Energy, but I am not giving up without a fight and you shouldn’t either. I’ll send updates  but I want you to hold on and remember that you are loved and that you are stronger than you know.

Being an Empress or an Emperor does not mean that everything is always easy. Here, it means even when it seems like everything is against you, or you feel like a jester, you keep going because you have something so powerful within you that everyone needs. Even when it feels like you should hide away from the world, talk about it.

Enjoy this relaxing meditation video!

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