Hello Divine One, how are ya? I hope you’re doing well and that this blog’s timing was just right.

We normally want to rush life and make it happen as we see fit, but one thing I’ve learned is things are going to happen at the right time. We may want things to happen right away, but life normally says to calm down and wait for our desires to come to us.

How many times have you been able to look back and realize that if something happened or came when you wanted it to, it would’ve been destroyed?

Maybe you were lacking in maturity or didn’t have the wisdom needed.

It’s not fun to say or accept, but sometimes, we have to be honest with ourselves and realize that we just aren’t ready for what we are asking for.

If you ever hear me say that we are being prepared for what we want, that’s where that concept comes from. When we aim for certain goals that aren’t immediately available, we can see that there are steps that we need to take to make them come to pass. Sometimes we are aware of those steps but other times they can be known unconsciously. Other times, we just need to wait.

It may not be what we want to hear, but it’s what we need to understand.

At the right time, everything you want and desire will come to you, but you must be patient until that time comes, and when it does, you will feel so relieved and accomplished to know that it is as perfect as it can be for you.

I love you, on purpose, and I hope this message hits where it needs to.

P.S. Don’t forget to get your affirmation on our Affirmation Wheel!

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